and Attention
GM Service’s philosophy is to offer a language service that is distinguished both by its specialisation in the legal, administrative, corporate, financial, journalistic and television sectors, and by the attention that only in-house production can guarantee.

As the translations are carried out in-house, clients are free to discuss the texts (style, terminology, contents, etc.) and to do so directly with the translators.
This close cooperation allows to draw up tailored translations and to ensure that each and every client receives the deserved attention.
In addition, every translation is reviewed by a competent supervisor (lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers) and in any case an expert of the relevant field.
Contact Us
For further information
Our contacts:
GM Service di Grimaldi Maria
Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 6
00165 – Roma (RM)
P.IVA IT07490021008
Maria Cristina Grimaldi
Tel. / Fax. +39 333.2658294
Uta Charlotte Kügler